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Bartele en Rianne Holtrop
30 jan 20183 minuten om te lezen
What’s hiding behind the nice pictures – Looking back on the past
It isn’t as easy as it looks. When I left school I thought I knew everything better. After all, I had just gotten my diploma, and...
220 weergaven
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Bartele en Rianne Holtrop
30 jan 20182 minuten om te lezen
Oostervaardersplassen, the proof of our vision?
Dear reader, Some time ago, while I was walking our dog Jurre, an elderly grey man approached me. At first, we were talking about our...
135 weergaven
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Bartele en Rianne Holtrop
24 jan 20182 minuten om te lezen
The official start
Friday was our big day. The official opening of our farm! We prepared everything very well and we invited the neighbourhood, our friends...
153 weergaven
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